141 Freemans Bridge Rd, Schenectady, NY 12302
(518) 372-3208

Onyx Shower Wall Kits

Kitchen, Bath, Plumbing and Heating Experts

Onyx Shower Wall Kits make bathroom remodeling easy…
And cleaning your shower even easier!

Onyx Shower Kits are very cost effective as they are easy to install, have a seamless look, are 100% waterproof, have a variety of design and customization options and are easy to clean. Visit our 10,000 sq. ft. Kitchen and Bathroom Showroom and see our Onyx Shower Wall Kits displays for your self.

1. Easy Installation:
 Onyx shower and tub walls are designed to adhere directly over waterproof sheetrock, requiring far fewer steps compared to a standard tile shower wall installation.

2. Cost-Effectiveness: Shower bases and walls are competitively priced relative to tile and other materials. 

3. Variety of Styles/Designs: Shower wall kits come in a wide range of styles, designs, and finishes. 

4. Low Maintenance: They require minimal cleaning and upkeep compared to traditional tile or stone surfaces. They are resistant to mold, mildew, and stains, making them ideal for high-moisture environments like bathrooms.

5. Waterproofing: They help to prevent water damage to the underlying structure of the walls. This can help extend the lifespan of the bathroom and reduce the risk of costly repairs due to water infiltration.

6. Seamless Look: With fewer grout lines compared to tiled walls, shower wall kits can create a sleek and seamless appearance. 

7. Customization Options: While shower wall kits come in standard sizes, they can often be customized to fit specific requirements and come with customizable features such as grab bars, foot rests, and built in shelves.

8. Quick Renovation Solution: For homeowners looking to update their bathroom quickly and without major construction, shower wall kits offer a convenient solution. 

Onyx Shower Wall Kits Showroom Appointment Request