141 Freemans Bridge Rd, Schenectady, NY 12302
(518) 372-3208

FAQ Category: Uncategorized FAQ

Kitchen, Bath, Plumbing and Heating Experts

What is the average cost of a bathroom remodel?

Depending on the size of the project, the cost can range but most standard full bathroom remodels today cost anywhere from $7,000 to $25,000. Of course, product pricing and contractor rates can also impact the total spent. It is important to establish a sensible budget before undergoing a remodel.  

Tips for a kitchen remodel

Create a mood board of inspiration before undergoing a remodel Determine how much storage you consider essential Allow space in your kitchen for wide walkways in between islands and main counters Find the right height for the microwave Make sure you have enough counter space for your needs 

Do you put flooring under kitchen cabinets?

The answer to this question is ultimately dependent on the type of material that your flooring is made of. Most of the time flooring is installed under cabinets. The goal is for the flooring and cabinets to all be the same height and level.

What are the final steps in a kitchen remodel?

Final steps in any kitchen remodel include finishing touches such as hardware for cabinets, faucets, soap dispensers, etc. These are all necessities but can be installed last. They also help to accent any kitchen and come in multiple finishes so you can really make a statement. 

What do you tackle first in a kitchen remodel?

Kitchen remodels can be overwhelming, often there are more options then most would assume. Tackling the layout of your kitchen along with must haves is a good spot to start. Once you have established the flow of our new kitchen and where you want the larger kitchen appliances (fridge, oven, sink, stove) to go we…
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What is the average cost of a kitchen remodel?

Of course the cost of a kitchen remodel ranges depending on the size of the remodel, product selection, and labor costs. The range of an average kitchen remodel is anywhere from $8,000 to $60,000. But currently the average people spend is about $25,000. 

What are some primary things to know before doing a kitchen?

Some things to know before undergoing a kitchen remodel are your budget, how you want your kitchen to function, and dimensions. Budget wise, kitchens tend to range drastically depending on size and product choice. So going into a remodel with a reasonable budget for the job you want to accomplish is smart. Knowing the general…
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